Saturday, June 28, 2008

Navajo Fry Bread

Fry bread plays a significant role in Native American cuisine & culture, and is found throughout the southwest. Though now considered a traditional food, fry bread didn't appear in Native American diets until the mid-19th century. From 1863 - 1868, more than 8,000 Navajo's were detained at Fort Summer in New Mexico and given very little in terms of rations. Flour and lard were two of the commodities given to the Navajo's and with these ingredients they created fry bread. For more information about the history of fry bread & a recipe, click here Navajo fry bread.

Fry bread can be served plain or with a variety of toppings: butter, cheese, honey, cinnamon, powdered sugar, chili beans, or as an Indian/Navajo taco. Fry bread is similar to the American carnival staple the elephant ear.

1 comment:

That Girl said...

I was just at the fair this weekend and they had a stand with "Indian fry bread" now I wish I had tried some!